The Burden of Chronic Pain Life

Living with chronic pains

Chronic pain is a pain that comes back or persists for more than three months, medications being rather unhelpful. Causes of chronic pain range from injuries (such as damaged ligaments or herniated discs), chronic diseases (such as arthritis or cancer) to migraines, and some other conditions. Statistics say that one in five people experience chronic pain.

Chronic pain greatly reduces our quality of life. Sometimes the whole existence is subordinated either to the pain itself or to the fear of it. Chronic pain increases stress levels, reduces productivity, impairs sleep, and negatively affects our relationships with others. Sometimes it causes severe anxiety or severe depression.

Those who suffer from chronic pain are four times more likely to have mental health problems. Depression develops in 35-45% of people with chronic pain. About 35% of patients with chronic pain suffer from anxiety disorders. They also found a link between obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive behavior), burnout syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic pain. Also, people who suffer from pain are more likely to abuse drugs, as many pain medications are addictive.

In any case, chronic pain greatly exhausts a person, does not allow him/her to work productively, interferes with interacting with loved ones – the one who suffers is irritated and tends to break down on loved ones.

Chronic pain drives us into a vicious cycle of fear, pain, stress, and exhaustion. We feel helpless and vulnerable. And this, in turn, makes us even more sensitive to pain. Then even a slight pain is perceived as strong. And it’s getting harder and harder to deal with. That is why it is so important to find reliable ways to cope with chronic pain.